People Are Listening to Beyoncé’s Advice and Quitting Their Jobs

The lyrics go like this…

Now, I just fell in love
And I just quit my job
I'm gonna find new drive
Damn, they work me so damn hard
Work by nine, then off past five
And they work my nerves
That's why I cannot sleep at night

And, that’s just what folks are doing, lately. She released this bop earlier in the summer and it’s quickly became the summer anthem for some employees.

BuzzFeed recently highlighted the drama here and here. The NY Times says nearly 50 million people have quit since the beginning of the year. Me, being one of them.

I, too, like, many of the 50 million others became entirely burnt out by the corporate lifestyle of things. The corporate way of work/life balance. The corporate attitudes. The way, no matter what you do or how hard you work — it’ll never be enough. The way these companies own you but whenever they are ready to cut you off, they do that. So, I said, well if I don’t have control of my own life, how will I ever be happy anymore? I quit my job in March and have never looked back! I was scared as hell and scared I wouldn’t ever be able to recover the career I fought so hard for.

But, the opposite happened. I began to get my life back! I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I was finally able to be me again! I was finding that I wasn’t myself anymore. I was so angry, so grumpy always, so nasty and SO RUDE, as Nene says.

In all seriousness, I have never felt better and never looked back! I hope that I will never have to return because life is definitely much better on this side of things. I’ve gone on to help 100s of people with their LinkedIn presence to get them jobs and to educate folks on what they need to do to get their next gig. I do that because I know how important LinkedIn is within the job searching journey. I teach people the red flags to look out for as a career coach, they are generally right under your nose.

I wanted to share a few of the tweets I’ve been seeing from other folks quitting or discussing quitting, in hopes that you are inspired to leave your job if it’s not your dream or not fulfilling you. You should never stay in something that isn’t going to be better your life or leave you filling full.

So, just know YOU 👏🏽 ARE 👏🏽 NOT 👏🏽 ALONE!!!

I wanted to tell you about a special offer I have running on my LinkedIn 1:1 coaching calls right now. For less than $50, I’ll chat with you for an hour so you can get your LinkedIn together and finally proclaim the Beyoncé bible verse that we talked about above.

I’m telling you, it works! I’ve gotten several jobs and leads from LinkedIn and it totally works. I also have helped countless others do the same… Listen to what I did with Joslyn:

So, let’s get you some help! Visit my store now and get it together with me… let’s get you on to the same success story as Joslyn. Because if it’s one thing, there is no reason to be at a job that isn’t making you happy.

Look at Joslyn’s smile! IT WORKS. Happiness can come and will come. And, if Joslyn’s word isn’t enough, take a look at what Porchse had to say… she recently bought my eBook and…

In no time, she’ll be on her way to a new gig.

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Again, check out my store and book now! Spots are filling up … and I don’t want you to start another month at the job you hate. Let’s make the change happen!


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