How-to Start a 6 Figure Digital Products Business in 2024

The new year is just around the corner, and let’s face it… you’ve been putting this off for way too long.

Why don’t you finally do that thing?

Let me tell you a little story about myself I went to college to practice journalism. I thought I was going to be the next Lester Holt or something. Once I realized I’d be lugging around 40 lbs of equipment, dealing with an ungrateful boss and colleagues after all my contributions — they had me at times filming, editing, and producing 5+ stories a day—I grew tired of it all. I quit. It felt liberating to just walk away and felt very privileged. While I know this wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done, it had to be done. I was miserable. Depressed. Lonely and only 22.

I convinced my dad to move to Los Angeles and begged for him to help me. Help me, financially, that is. He did what he could and I did the rest. I moved and started to peruse a career in social and digital marketing.

For the next 10 years, I’d bounce from incredible job to incredible job. One day I was the receptionist at Wheel of Fortune, yes, that one. The next, I was working next to Queen Latifah. Yes, THAT, Queen.

When that show ended, I was devastated. I loved that job. I loved working in talk shows. I loved everything about it. Fun, celebrities, A LOT work, but it was still rewarding. I got that fire back that I had… and I loved doing what I was doing.

From there, I’d find myself on my 6th and final month of unemployment, wondering what I’d do next… was I going to have to move back home? My dad was tapped out and not really financially in a place to help me anymore. Understandly so, he shouldn’t have to do that in the first place. So, it was time to do what I’ve always been good at… imaginarily reinventing myself.

Let me explain…in life, if you want something, I’ve learned you have to picture yourself in said thing and manifest it into a reality.

I wanted to work at BuzzFeed. At the time, it was the talk of the town, life, world, internet, everyone! I started writing articles for the Community section and realized they weren’t publishing late night articles on viral moments till the next morning.

Being that I was just staying up not doing much, I was like, let me capitalize on that! So, I did. And, a lot of my articles went viral — “Mega Viral” — as we called it. A few had over a million views overnight. It was kind of crazy and definitely a thing of the past.

I got a call.

They wanted me to come in for an interview and the rest was history. My boss, Maycie, at the time was, as she has always said, obsessed with me. LOL! Hey girl! And, I to her credit, I showed up to BuzzFeed in a freakin’ suit — I’d be obsessed with someone that did that, too, or embarrassed for them.

The rest of my time at BuzzFeed, I’d go from curating viral articles to running Tasty’s social media. Watching that page go from 1 follower to 100 million followers was insane and quite frankly, remarkable. I will forever be grateful for that experience and thankful I was given it.

I held other jobs after that at MTV, Disney, and Shutterstock.

I’ll go into detail about that era another time — because I want to talk about where I am now.

I’m back in a phase of my life of reinvention. All because of me leaving corporate due to unforeseen circumstances that I’ll address sometime when the trauma goes away. I felt free again. Free to be creative and do whatever I wanted frankly.

I started my own business, I’ve always had the entrepreneurial spirit. It was time to put words and thoughts into action finally and do the damn thing.

I had several back to back months of 10K+ months. One month I made 20K+ — I was shooketh because that month of salary was nearly what I made in one year at my first job (I was paid 23K at that first job). That was insane to think about. I’m so grateful that I was able to even achieve that.

The most successful people in business are those that are nimble and those that can adjust and re-adjust to trends. I started selling a digital product. I felt compelled to do so because after years of preaching about how succcessful I was from my expdreiences on LinkedIn — I felt the need to share that with the world at a time many people were struggling at their current jobs and wanting to change trajectories.

My book sold 100s of copies. All for a few days of work — I made thousands of dollars. I thought, wait, people actually care to buy MY product? It’s a wild thought but you have to think about the value you provide. I had a success story that I was now selling the secrets to and people were interested.

It got me thinking… Why don’t I teach people how to do this. Suzanne Somers passing away actually sparked that bug again. Because I kind of tabled the idea but when I had heard she passed the idea came back.

Everyone has a skill. Everyone has “fans” or an audience watching them, everyone has a unique personality. Why not teach people just how to monetize all of that?

But not only that, let me teach folks how to market themselves once they have said product. This is phase 2 of my business plan.

So here, I, am… Again… Re-inventing myself and I am more invigorated than I was and happy to serve new audiences with this new business idea.

I say all of this to say, if you’re unhappy with what you’re currently doing. Don’t sit in silence. WORK in SILENCE. For YOU! Take control of it all and think about this:

  1. What am I good at?

  2. What do people ask me advice for?

  3. What are problems that I face and how do I solve them?

If you answer those questions, I bet you’ll come up with at least 2-3 products that you can package up and sell in an online business.

The digital products business is an over 300 billion dollar business. 2024 is just around the corner, why not take advantage of that and move through your idea and turn it into reality today.

So, you have homework.

Check out my eBook here, read through it, and see which product type interests you and fits within your niche. Then, email me what that is! I’m genuinely curious to hear from folks. So, don’t be shy.

Thanks for reading and if you’re not, follow me on Instagram and TikTok for more updates on progress!


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