5 Strategies That Can Help You Bounce Back After a Pink Slip

It's no secret these past few weeks have been absolutely atrocious when it comes to the news coming out of the workforce. Specifically, the tech sector. And, I'm sure we're going to keep hearing more.

I have been through a layoff. I've also seen other talented colleagues get laid off and I was able to stay.

All of it sucks.

There's no other way to put it.

What is nice, during this time, is seeing all of the posts helping people and saying that they can help.

I just wanted to take some time out to echo everything that I've read, and add my name to the list of folks that want to help.

As a LinkedIn and career coach, who's definitely been in my share of dicey corporate situations, I want to share some tips that can help you get back into the workforce, when you're ready. Because, mentally I think you all deserve a break!

1. Take this time to take a look at your career. What you've done and what you want to do. Is this really the career you know you want to continue with? Now is such a good time to not only really think about that but change careers if that's what you want to do.

2. Brush up on other skills. There are so many free courses on LinkedIn and so many other resources all over the web to help folks if they want to learn something new. Take the time to back off but also brush up.

3. Do that thing you've always wanted to do. Did you want to start a business? Did you want to travel? Go for it! When will you ever have the time to do it? Use this sad, negative time and turn it into a positive.

4. Refresh your resume, online presence, and/or LinkedIn page. The way to the new gig or new ~situation~ is in the palm of your hands, literally. Take this opportunity to showcase your personal brand in the best light.

5. Connect with your network. You have spent years working and maybe putting all you had into work and we've also been in a pandemic and other traumatic instances that may have drifted you away from this very important skill. Your network is so powerful. Don't be afraid to lean on it.

Bonus, I always tell my students this, but I think we all need to hear it. Don't be afraid to reach out to folks! I know it can be intimidating thing, but we've all been in dicey situations. Empathy is still there! We all want to help each other!

I hope this helps and I hope you all hang in there. Know that this isn't it. This isn't the last we'll hear from you. There is so much immense talent out there that is now available to get gobbled up by other companies that are looking for people just like you.

As always, my DMs, email, etc. are all open to anyone that needs an ear or further help!

If you've been laid off recently, how are you getting through it? What are you doing to overcome it? Are you chillin' for now?


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