3 Things You Can Do Before and After Your Interview to Land the Job

I have interviewed 100s of people and interviewed probably over a 100 times over the 10+ years of my career. I’m no expert but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve that were always appreciated during my interviews. I always received email responses and great feedback!

  1. This may sound like a no brainer but you’d be surprised how many people DO NOT DO THIS! Research everyone you’re interviewing with. Google search, look at their social media, and most importantly know what they do and be curious about it all!

  2. Tailor questions to all of them based off that research, some questions that I’ve asked in the past that worked well are:

    1. How valued is the X team? And, how included are they with the day to day planning and operation of the business?

    2. What is the management style of my manager?

    3. Why was this position created? Who was leading the team previously? What is the team structure?

    4. What does success look like?

    5. What would be the challenges early on to address?

  3. Finally, you’re going to want to follow up immediately or 5-6 hours after the interview. I know, it’s very robotic. But listen, it’s almost always expected. Unless otherwise stated, just do it. In your email, you’re going to want to address certain problems they presented, once again, with solutions, and how you would take them on. And, I’ve gone above and beyond sometimes and sent in hand-written notes but with folks not always working in the office, this may not be necessary anymore.

Good luck! Let me know what your interview tactics are, shoot me an email.


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